Five Questions

1.  What makes you happy?

Sunshine, my children, the beach, jogging 3 miles, a bike ride, a fun

knitting project, cooking healthy meals, and Andi’s People, still, after all these years!

2  Which talent would you most like to have?

Discipline to write more and not worry so much about


3.  Which words or phrases do you overuse most?

very cool.

4.  What is your favorite movie, book or both?

Baby Boomer (movie), The Awakening (book), Jane Eyre (both), Cinderella with Leslie Ann Warren (movie).

5.  If you could go anywhere in the world for a creative retreat where might it be?

Santa Fe or Taos, NM, Lanai or Hana, Maui --

I would also love to go back to Lake Union in Seattle

and stay on a houseboat!