Frequently asked Virtual Yoga Questions

Can I try a class free? Yes! Please feel free to click the pre-recorded Monday video. It is available at anytime during the week.

  1. Can I do yoga if I’m really stiff and out of shape? Yes! It is always a good time to start yoga. Stretching is always a good idea, not only for the muscles, but also for the fascia, the connective tissue that holds the body together and wraps around each muscle and each joint.

  2. What is Yin Yoga that you talk about? Yin Yoga is the discipline of holding poses in a relaxed way in order to target the fascia and promote lubrication and flexibility in the joints. I include a short session of Yin Yoga at the beginning of each class.

  3. Do I have to turn my screen on? No, you do not have to turn your screen on. My yoga classes are paced slowly and each instruction is given slowly and articulately to ensure proper alignment.

  4. So how does it work? Monthly membership is $45 and includes access 3+ times a week. A Monday pre-recorded class is available for practice at anytime during the week, and repeating the Monday pre-recorded class allows for practice 7 days a week.. In addition, I teach live virtual classes on Wednesday and Friday at 9 am EST.

  5. Do you teach every virtual class? Yes, I teach all virtual classes.

Andi Schroeder